Third Party Threat
The Democratic Party is in a state of panic in the event that voters take seriously a third-party candidate or potentially a forth, a fifth or sixth. At the present, it appears that the Green Party’s Cornel West is in their sights, claiming him as the “spoiler” for Biden’s 2024 run. This is unlikely since the DNC and the media will never give Professor West and his campaign any exposure to the public.
Joe Manchin, running as the No Labels
candidate, is receiving no scrutiny from the DNC nor media coverage as the
spoiler, though quietly the DNC fears him most. He has corporate ties and some
appeal to moderate Republicans, assuming there is any such moderation left in
the Republican Party. For now, the DNC will pummel West while remaining content
that Manchin’s third-party candidacy is hidden from public view.
The DNC has also decided there will be no primary debates and therefore no primary challenge to Biden. The risk to upending the Biden continuity means that the current Republican frontrunner, former President Donald Trump, would most assuredly win the 2024 election and transform the United States into a fascist, Hitler-Mussolini-Franco redux. The failure to obstruct Trump and maintain the executive level status quo, via one of the most feeble and unpopular presidents in modern history (20% approval), will threaten democracy and set the stage for a police state. Bernie Sanders and others actually believes this.
Biden’s only real competition is internal. It comes from Bobby Kennedy, Jr. He has gained some momentum and risen to the 20% approval threshold. Rest assured, this won’t last for long. The DNC has already framed Kennedy as a conspiracy theorist and an anti-Semite.
For the record Kennedy has simply questioned Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 research which he claims lacked placebo control. Pfizer and Moderna claim their research include this yet they have refused to share their research with Kennedy or the public. This sharing is standard in the research community and essential for approval from the FDA, NIH and CDC. But these government entities have no evidence of this as well.
The anti-semitic charge leveled at Kennedy was based on his suggestion that Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese, according to the data, were more immune than other ethnicities from contracting Covid-19. How does this translate into antisemitism? And note that Kennedy has not been identified by the DNC as anti-Chinese? The only way to address the calumny against Kennedy is to provide him with national exposure through primary debates. Then the public can form their own conclusions. Guaranteed is Kennedy’s resilience and resistance to corporate media spin and distortion.
Why is the DNC doing this?
Kennedy represents a threat to the entrenched corporate identity of the DNC. He has been a highly successful lawyer suing corporate behemoths for the despoliation of the environment in United States. The corporate democratic identity of the DNC rejects him and his efforts at environmental justice. What Kennedy is exposing is the feigned environmental advocacy on the part of the DNC. And so, he claims it is his mission to reform the DNC while Cornel West claims this to be impossible. Like Harry Belafonte, many democrats are wondering whatever happened to the party. The answer: it has been coopted by the DNC. And they are corrupt.
Meanwhile, fear of Donald Trump’s return to the presidency is the wrong political strategy for the DNC. It could be a moot point since he may very well wind up in jail. Nevertheless, they need to run a campaign of substance and action. Kennedy has this in place. The best plan is for the DNC to remove Biden and replace him with Bobby Kennedy and get on board with his agenda. The probability of this is small. Then Kennedy should reinvent himself as an independent and join forces with Cornel West and the Green Party … a third party threat.
Otherwise, for Bobby Kennedy, what is the point?
Ed Martin
Tubac, Arizona
Long Beach, California